It’s been a week, and you still can’t perform certain tasks? Does it still hurt when you stand or sit while recovering from back surgery? Don’t worry! It’s all normal.
To alleviate your boredom, tons of spinal fusion recovery tips will help you stay active and recover faster. Wait! Can the back surgery recovery time frame be reduced? You guessed it right; it can!
Did you know, most people tend to return to work after six months of spinal surgery? That’s great news! Who knows you can be one among them?
However, to achieve all of this, you need to stick to your therapist’s advice and be conscious of your situation. But you don’t have to worry. We will discuss all the spine surgery recovery details. From the precautions to the time of recovery, it’s all in your hands.
Spinal Fusion Recovery Tips

As much as the thought of spinal fusion surgery is disturbing, the time of recovery from spinal surgery is equally discomforting, especially for the first-timers.
However, we have listed down all the back surgery recovery tips to help you with a rapid spinal surgery recovery process.
Recovery tips for walking and sitting after back surgery
You must be wondering, why do I need back surgery recovery tips for walking and sitting? Well, your query is valid.
However, after back surgery, your back is not the same as before. And so the basic tasks like; walking, running, sitting and lying would need your full attention.
Even though your therapist would give you his advice for recovery from spinal surgery that fits well for your condition. However, here a few points you should never forget:
- Try to move around the house/office for ten minutes at least.
- Take rest and avoid the tasks that require you to sit for long hours, for example, car rides.
- Get the most comfortable chair/toilet seat for your needs.
- Now you may ask, what is the best chair after back surgery? Well, a chair with a cushioned seat, arm support, and comfortable back would be ideal.
Note: To stand from a sitting position, slide to the edge of your surface, straighten your back and then push yourself up with the help of arms.
Exercises after lower back surgery
Physical activity should become your new hobby for a fast recovery after spinal surgery. This is because being physically active will prevent your muscles from complications after spinal fusion.
Here are a few spinal fusion recovery tips for exercising:
- Prone press-ups (10 to 15 reps)
- Sciatic nerve exercise (10 reps)
- Supine lumbar flexion (10 reps)
- Pelvic tilt (10 to 15 reps)
Tips for showering after back surgery
Bathing would be a bit difficult after spinal fusion surgery. However, after a day or two, you can shower with soap and water, but do not take the bandage off.
After showering, you must replace the bandage and clean the incision site. Plus, you won’t be allowed to bathe in a tub till you have recovered from spinal surgery.
Log-rolling after back surgery
Log-roll is one of the most significant spinal fusion recovery tips that will help you avoid pain and recover faster.
Do not forget to keep a pillow under your knees when you are lying on the bed. This will prevent you from stressing out the back when recovering from back surgery.
Spinal Surgery Precautions
The time of recovery after spinal surgery is slow and takes months or years. However, to speed up the recovery process, you need to take proper care after back surgery. Plus, Life after back surgery can be made free from complications by taking precautionary measures at the right time.
Days after discharge
Pay your goodbyes to spine bending, abdomen twisting, and heavy lifting till your doctor allows you to get back to it. In fact, sitting or walking after back surgery for long hours need to be avoided to save yourself from future complications.
1 to 4 weeks later
Stitches are usually removed two weeks after recovering from back surgery. However, till then, you must clean the incision site with soap and water to avoid infections.
1 to 3 months
A month after surgery, you will start feeling better. There would be less pain than before, and you will feel improvement in other activities.
However, it is still the most crucial period of recovery after spinal surgery. This is because the first three months are the beginning time for the bones to harden. And to avoid making them weak, remember NOT to do these three things:
- Excessive bending
- The heavy lifting of more than 10 pounds
- Twisting
After 3 months
By the end of three months of spine surgery recovery period, you will be able to perform daily tasks efficiently.
Plus, recovery from spinal surgery from this point onwards will be dependent on regular exercise and physiotherapy.
If you won’t exercise at this time, your back muscles will die, and even a slight bending will become impossible.
Spinal Fusion Surgery Recovery Time
Most patients with single joint surgery have a spinal fusion surgery recovery time of three to six months.
However, the back surgery recovery time frame for people with laminectomy is pretty long and more than the others. But that doesn’t mean you can’t shrink this spine surgery recovery period.
You have to take the same spinal surgery precautions as the other patients of spinal fusion. However, you need to be a bit more careful than the others. Always ask your doctor for the necessary steps and extra care.
If you know what to do in the six months of recovery from spinal fusion, your body will heal faster. Here are a few things to take into considerations:
● Change your diet, that is, eat healthy
● Exercise
● Walk more (ask your therapist about the limit)
● Take rest
It depends on which month of spine surgery recovery you are in. As we already discussed, bending is strictly forbidden a few weeks after back surgery.
But after that, when your back starts improving, follow the exercises described under the ‘spinal fusion recovery tips’ section.
Usually, patients with herniated disc surgery have a recovery period of four to five days in the hospital. And after four to six weeks you can return to your job.
To summarize it all, the period of post-spinal surgery requires your utmost attention. What you can do to avoid future consequences in this spinal fusion surgery recovery time is; exercise, take a nutritious diet and rest.
So these were some useful spinal fusion recovery tips that you can try at home. However, it’s always recommended to appoint a physiotherapist after back surgery.
Hopefully, the tips for recovery after spinal surgery were helpful enough to speed up your recovery process.