Scoliosis is a medical condition that refers to an abnormal curvature of the spine. And knowing about scoliosis surgery recovery is very important. Why? You will know that in a short while.
The usual advised method to stop the further progression of scoliosis comes with braces. However, in some cases, scoliosis surgery, i.e, spinal fusion becomes inevitable.
But not to worry, because this article will provide you with the whole recovery process. Plus, we’ll share some additional tips on how to hasten your post-scoliosis surgery recovery phase.
Let’s get started!
Scoliosis Surgery Recovery Time

Traditionally, it takes about six to twelve months for a complete scoliosis surgery recovery. However, with certain tips and techniques, this period can be reduced to around six months.
And the patient can go back to his daily life activities within two to three months post-scoliosis surgery.
Before Scoliosis Surgery
Note: You can never control the outcome of anything in life. But with proper care and knowledge, you can certainly improve your chances to incline the results in your favor.
Similarly, to make your scoliosis surgery successful and to shorten the scoliosis surgery recovery phase, the following things must be kept in mind:
- Correction of Body Mass Index: If your body mass index ratio is not appropriate, and you fall under the category of anorexic, or obese, there is a high chance of having to face a longer scoliosis surgery recovery phase.
- Inhibition of Tobacco/ Nicotine Intake: Any kind of nicotine ingestion should be withdrawn immediately. Smoking is a definite no-go! The patient undergoing scoliosis surgery must stay clear of it.
- Strong Mental Health: Take proper care of your mental health. It plays a crucial role in scoliosis surgery recovery as it may determine the outcome of any other disease progression.
Note: A healthy mind makes way to a healthy body, as mind and body are essentially one unit. Always remember that!
Post-Scoliosis Surgery

You will find yourself in the hospital room once the anesthesia wears off. There will be a tube attached to your body known as the catheter, which is a collection bag for your urine.
It provides you with comfort and relaxes your need to go to the bathroom till you are in a condition to go by yourself.
Stay in the Hospital
Typically, the patient is allowed to go back home after six to seven days of surgery. But during the hospital stay, the physician gives important instructions regarding diet, follow-ups, physical therapy, and post-operative care.
Note: Always follow your doctor’s advice!
Six Weeks to Three Months after Discharge
The beginning days after the scoliosis surgery holds crucial importance.
Regular Follow-Ups
It is of vital importance that you adhere to the follow-up schedule advised by your physician and show up at the expected time.
And it is at this time the practitioner examines your condition.
Moreover, if the scoliosis surgery recovery phase is remarkable the doctor might even allow your further movements. Therefore, a regular follow-up under no means should be missed.
It is also at this time, your physician reduces your medicinal drugs (which typically are high-dose narcotics for pain management) to simple analgesia, that is, usually acetaminophen with the least adverse effects.
Hence, allowing you to socialize in your circle with fewer restrictions (rejoice!)
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy post-scoliosis surgery is of utmost importance. Therefore, almost all the patients that have undergone scoliosis surgery are advised to go through physical therapy.
It not only helps with the movements but also assesses your pain levels and coordination, providing you with proper management leading to a better prognosis.
The general exercises taught during this phase usually comprise of:
- Breathing Exercises
- Foot and Toe exercises
- Logrolling
- Knee Floats
- Schroth Method
Note: Exercises for scoliosis patients are tailored to the kind of scoliosis that they have. For example, a person having lumbar scoliosis is advised to do lower back exercises. Whereas, shoulder exercises are emphasized if you present with thoracic scoliosis.
Activity Levels
You can start walking for shorter distances after you are out of bed. Therefore, mobility is highly beneficial for your scoliosis surgical recovery phase.
And during this time, you can even go back to playing your favorite sports (not gymnastics of course), but general regular sports are encouraged.
Six to Twelve Months after Discharge
The time for a complete spinal fusion post-scoliosis surgery usually lies between six to twelve months.
Hence, during this time, your physician after conducting an X-ray, determines if the previous restrictions may be lifted and you might regain your normal life activities.
Arrangement at Home
Your doctor will give you a shortlist of instructions to avoid any complications after your discharge from the hospital. This is for you to make your recovery process short and comfortable.
Some of which may include;
Care for Incision Site
The first and foremost thing a patient must do is to avoid the most common and lethal complication of any surgery, that is, infection.
For this purpose, during the post-scoliosis surgery period, the patient must ensure;
- Living in a clean and hygienic environment during the scoliosis surgery recovery phase.
- Keeping the incision site completely clean and dry. Especially, while taking a shower with the help of air-tight medical dressing or a shower chair.
- Avoiding the use of any creams or ointments that might irritate the site of the incision.
- Proper arrangements for urination and defecation would shorten the bathroom trips, and allow prolong resting in bed, such as toilet risers or catheters.
Other Instructions
In addition to preventing postoperative infection, your doctor will also advise the following instructions:
- Premade meals that would not require long hours of standing and make a hassle in preparing or cooking.
- Maintaining a healthy diet involving high protein and fiber.
- Keeping yourself excessively hydrated.
- Avoiding any long or frequent automobile trips.
All of the above-mentioned tips and suggestions help you avoid situations where you have to bend, twist, or any activity that prolongs your scoliosis surgery recovery phase.
Resuming Daily Life Activities
Even though, after the spinal fusion, your physician allows your full engagement back to daily chores.
However, know that a post-scoliosis surgery life now requires certain lifestyle changes to accomplish a speedy recovery. Some of which might be of the following:
- Maintaining a good posture
- Quit smoking completely or any other means of tobacco/ nicotine intake such as patching.
- High-demanding sports activities such as gymnastics, heavy lifting, horse riding are not permitted.
- Be consciously aware of body activities involving any kind of bending, lifting, or twisting of the spine.
- Keep in touch with your physician with regular updates regarding your recovery.
- Keep your head high and will power strong. You might be different now, but in no way it means you are any less.
Typically, doctors prescribe narcotics to the patient to relieve their pain but it can comprise some severe adverse effects.
Therefore, during the follow-up, usually around three months post-scoliosis surgery, your practitioner starts to taper off these pain medications.
To shortly answer this, No! there are no permanent restrictions. However, your physician decides when to uplift the restrictions depending on your post-scoliosis surgery recovery and fusion of the spine.
Typically, you can go back to your regular sports and work within three months post-scoliosis surgery. It all depends upon the right mobility and training.
Last but not least, every individual is unique. And so is their body working mechanisms. Therefore, the scoliosis surgery recovery time frame may vary from one person to another.
However, carefully follow these instructions and get back to enjoying your life in no time. And do not forget to pat your back once in a while for every little accomplishment you make!